Chesapeake, VA Remodeling Cost Guide

Did you know?

78.9% of homes in Chesapeake, VA were built prior to year 2000.1

If you’re a homeowner in this majority, you’ve probably considered at least minor renovations to certain areas of your home. Whether adding functional value or restoring that feeling of “new”, it is likely that your 20+ year old home could benefit from remodeling. Naturally, your first question is: how much does it cost?

Remodeling Cost Factor # 1: Scope of work

In general, there are 3 types of remodels.

  • Minor
  • Major
  • Upscale

Think carefully about what you are trying to accomplish and how the scope of work will impact remodeling costs. For example, an upscale remodel in a small bathroom might cost the same as a minor remodel in a larger bathroom. Maybe you need a major kitchen remodel, but are perfectly content with mid-range appliances, cabinetry, and countertops. The cost of your remodel depends greatly on your vision and goals. At RC Industries of Chesapeake, we understand this great balancing act and can help you make important decisions about what to save or splurge on.

Remodeling Cost Factor # 2: Size of the Space

A popular way to estimate your remodeling budget is by measuring the square feet. gives us the following cost ranges for different areas of your Chesapeake, VA home.2

Kitchen Remodel: $75 - $250 / square foot

Bathroom Remodel: $50 - $250 / square foot

Finished Basement: $25 - $50 / square foot

Room Addition: $50 - $250 / square foot

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Kitchen Remodels Chesapeake, VA



Cost Range

100 sq. ft

$75 - $250 / square foot

$7,500 - $25,000

150 sq. ft

$75 - $250 / square foot

$11,250 - $37,500

Bathroom Remodels Chesapeake, VA



Cost Range

50 sq. ft

$50 - $250 / square foot

$2,500 - $12,500

100 sq. ft

$50 - $250 / square foot

$5,000 - $25,000

Finished Basements Chesapeake, VA



Cost Range

500 sq. ft

$25 - $50 / square foot

$12,500 - $25,000

700 sq. ft

$25 - $50 / square foot

$17,500 - $35,000

Remodeling Cost Factor # 3: Value of Your Home

According to Census Reporter, the median value of owner-occupied housing units in Chesapeake, VA is $274,600. 3

It is important to know the value of your home so that you may consider your return on investment (ROI). Appraisal experts use the “percentage method” to determine how much you should spend on your remodel.4 Let’s look at the numbers.

Bathroom Remodel: Budget 5%-10% of your home’s value

Kitchen Remodel: Budget 10%-15% of your home’s value

Finished Basement: Budget 10%-15% of your home’s value

Example: Based on Median Home Value in Chesapeake, VA

Home Value





$13,730 - $27,460



$27,460 - $41,190


Finished Basement

$27,460 - $41,190

Hire a Contractor to Stay on Budget

Your Chesapeake, VA contractor will call upon honest, affordable and talented carpenters, electricians, plumbers, painters, and other skilled workers to make sure your remodel stays on budget. In addition, your contractor will save you time and money by selecting the right materials, scheduling the best subcontractors, and ensuring quality of work is being performed at each step.

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